WomenOn Top

Women, Wealth & Social Change

Your Financial Well-Being Can Influence A Changing World

Today’s women control an unprecedented amount of wealth, making now the time to leverage those dollars to propel the changes you want to see in the world. Looking beyond traditional philanthropy and political activism, discover the powerful role of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing.


Women on top book cover

Women and Values-Based Investing A Recipe for Social Change

In Women On Top: Women, Wealth & Social Change, Haleh Moddasser shares her personal stories and professional expertise as both a boomer woman and an accomplished wealth management advisor to layout a convincing argument for ESG. Her insights resonate with women of means who long for a way to truly make a BIG difference in this world.


Women on Top with Haleh Moddasser Podcast

I’ve launched a new podcast discussing all things related to women, wealth and social change. LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE

Haleh Moddasser

As a young mother, Haleh Moddasser often thought about the world her children would inherit - wanting to make it kinder, gentler and more just. But it was not until many years later, when her kids were adults, that she revisited those earlier dreams and embarked on a new journey of purpose. Now, she helps other women build and grow their financial independence, as well as learn how to invest in a way that helps both their situation and the world they wish to impact. She enjoys her roles as a mother, daughter, artist, and financial advisor. Haleh currently calls Chapel Hill, North Carolina, home.

Haleh Moddasser